Tuesday 11 August 2015


It’s the summer holiday and like any true teenager born between the 90s and Generation X, I am in a committed relationship with my laptop.

Now, let’s just assume I’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, which basically, is me avoiding further internet embarrassment from my pre-teen years and only now have decided to start blogging (and the award for longest sentences and shitty grammar goes to….)

My name is Belle and I live a 40 minute train ride from London.
Let’s face it, if I said where I was from most of you would have no idea. So I won't say specifically. Also, internet stranger danger ya know? My mother would be proud.

Being English if you can’t pinpoint the whereabouts of your home in relation to the nearest city (or landmark) then you should just hang your head in shame give back your passport to the Queen right now. I mean it. 

Go on then, bugger off to Buckingham palace.

I’m 17 and read more than I speak. Which is ironic considering I’m a wannabe drama student and have a long list of tried and tested swearwords that have got me in trouble more times than I'd like to admit. 

If you ever want to spot me in a crowded room I have a tendency to contort my face to the music I listen to, in practice for when I go onto win my BAFTA. So if you see a curly haired, emotional looking girl on the 10:35 southbound Bakerloo tube from Waterloo on a Saturday, it’s likely me listening to the Fray’s “How to save a life.” Because I’m just that cool.

I hope you like babbling of an inexperienced blogger who on the side takes advantages of having very talented friends who photograph her *cough* Ella *cough*, tries and fails miserably with makeup tutorials, and has a deep love for Pride and Prejudice.

*For super secret internet safety reasons here's a picture of me disguised in a blue wig pretending I'm Coraline

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